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The Crisis of External Dependence: The Political Economy of Foreign Aid to Bangladesh. London: Zed Books, 1984. ------. "Politics of Food and Famine in Bangladesh." Pages 158-87 in Emajuddin Ahamed (ed.), Bangladesh Politics. Dhaka: Centre for Social Studies, 1980. Stevens, Robert D. "Comilla Rural Development Programs to 1971." Pages 95-128 in Robert D. Stevens, Hamzi Alavi, and Peter J. Bertocci (eds.), Rural Development in Bangladesh and Pakistan. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1976. Stevens, Robert D., Hamzi Alavi, and Peter J. Bertocci (eds.). Rural Development in Bangladesh and Pakistan. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1976. Tepper, Elliot L. "The Administration of Rural Reform: Structural Constraints and Political Dilemmas." Pages 29-59 in Robert D. Stevens, Hamzi Alavi, and Peter J. Bertocci (eds.), Rural Development in Bangladesh and Pakistan. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1976. Theroux, Paul. "By Rail Across the Indian Subcontinent," National Geographic, 165, No. 6, 1984, 696- 743. Thorp, John P. "Bangladesh, Bangladesh!--A Review Article," Journal of Asian Studies, 45, No. 4, 1986, 789-96. United Nations Development Programme. Bangladesh. Geneva: International Labour Organisation, 1982. United States. Agency for International Development. U.S. Bilateral Economic Assistance to Bangladesh, All Years Summary, 1953 Through September 30, 1987. Dhaka: February 1988. ------. Central Intelligence Agency. Directorate of Intelligence. World Factbook, 1988. (CPAS WF 88-001.) Washington: May 1988. ------. Department of Commerce. International Trade Administration. Foreign Economic Trends and Their Implications for the United States: Bangladesh. (Report No. FET 87-28.) Washington: April 1987. ------. Department of State. Bureau of Public Affairs. Office of Public Communication. Background Notes: Bangladesh. (Department of State Publication, No. 8698.) Washington: GPO, April 1987. van Schendel, Willem, and Aminul Haque Faraizi. Rural Labourer in Bengal, 1880 to 1980. (Comparative Asian Studies Program, 12.) Rotterdam: CASP, Faculty of Social Sciences, Erasmus University, 1984. Westergaard, Kirsten. State and Rural Society in Bangladesh. (Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies Monograph Series, No. 49.) London: Curzon Press, 1985. World Bank. World Debt Tables, 1985-86. Washington: 1986. ------. South Asia Regional Office. Bangladesh. Washington: 1979. (Various issues of the following publications were also used in the preparation of this chapter: Association for Asian Studies, Bibliography of Asian Studies; Bangladesh, Ministry of Planning, Statistical Yearbook of Bangladesh [Dhaka]; Bangladesh Observer [Dhaka]; Bangladesh Times [Dhaka]; Economist [London]; Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong]; Far Eastern Economic Review, Asia Yearbook [Hong Kong]; Telecom Trade Reporter; and World Air Fleets Directory [London].) Chapter 4 Abbas, Borhanuddin Mohammad. The Ganges Water Dispute. Dhaka: University Press, 1982. Ahamed, Emajuddin (ed.). Foreign Policy of Bangladesh: A Small State's Imperative. Dhaka: University Press, 1984. Ahmed, A.B. Sharfuddin. Bizna: A Study of Power-Structure in Contemporary Rural Bangladesh. Dhaka: Bangladesh Books International, 1983. Ahmed, Ali (ed.). Bangladesh Public Administration and Senior Civil Servants. Dhaka: Bangladesh Administrative Staff College, 1984. Ahmed, Kamal Uddin. "Freedom Struggle of Bangladesh and the U.S. Press," Indian Political Science Review [Delhi], 17, No. 1, January 1983, 92-97. Ahmed, Kh. Azad. "Structure and Composition of Urban Local Government Bodies." Pages 61-73 in Kamal Siddiqui (ed.), Local Government in Bangladesh. Dhaka: National Institute of Local Government, 1984. Ahmed, Moudud. Bangladesh: Era of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Dhaka: University Press, 1983. Ahmed, Nizam. "Experiments in Local Government Reform in Bangladesh," Asian Survey, 28, No. 8, August 1988, 813-29. Ali, A.M.M. Shawkat. "Decentralization for Development: Experiment in Local Government Administration in Bangladesh," Asian Survey, 27, No. 7, July 1987, 787-99. ------. Politics and Land System in Bangladesh. Dhaka: National Institute of Local Government, 1986. ------. Politics, Development, and Upazila. Dhaka: National Institute of Local Government, 1986. Ali, Shaikh Maqsood, Muhammad Safiur, and Kshanada Mohan Das. Decentralization and People's Participation in Bangladesh. Dhaka: National Institute of Public Administration, 1983. Aminuzzaman, Salahuddin M. (ed.). Local Government and Administration in Bangladesh: A Selected Bibliography. Dhaka: Centre for Administrative Studies, 1981. Bangladesh. Chief Martial Law Administrator's Secretariat. In Quest of New Bangladesh. Dhaka: 1983. ------. Deputy Comptroller. Handbook of Proclamations, Martial Law Regulations, and Orders, 1982. Dhaka: Government Printing Press, 1985. ------. Institute of International and Strategic Studies. Indo-Bangladesh Common Rivers and Water Diplomacy. Dhaka: 1986. ------. Ministry of Planning. Bureau of Statistics. Statistics Division. Statistical Yearbook of Bangladesh, 1987. Dhaka: July 1988. ------. Staff Training Institute. A Handbook of Important Laws, Rules, and Orders on Personnel and Office Administration in Bangladesh. Dhaka: 1984. Barua, B.P. "Members of Parliament in Bangladesh and in Pakistan: A Comparative Analysis," Indian Journal of Political Science [Chandigarh], 15, Nos. 1-2, 1981, 161-66. Baxter, Craig. Bangladesh: A New Nation in an Old Setting. Boulder: Westview Press, 1984. ------. "Bangladesh at Ten: An Appraisal of a Decade of Political Development," World Today [London], 38, No. 2, February 1982, 73-80. Baxter, Craig, and M. Rashiduzzaman. "Bangladesh Votes: 1978 and 1979," Asian Survey, 21, No. 4, April 1981, 485-500. Baxter, Craig, et al. Government and Politics in South Asia. Boulder: Westview Press, 1987. Bertocci, Peter J. "Bangladesh in 1984: A Year of Protracted Turmoil," Asian Survey, 25, No. 2, February 1985, 155-68. ------. "Bangladesh in 1985: Resolute Against the Storms," Asian Survey, 26, No. 2, February 1986, 224-34. ------. "Bangladesh in the Early 1980s: Praetorian Politics in an Intermediate Regime," Asian Survey, 22, No. 10, October 1982, 998-1008. ------. "Bangladesh: The Bangladesh Presidential Elections in 1981: Continuity of the Restoration," Asian Thought and Society, 7, No. 19, March 1982, 104-17. ------. "The Politics of Islam in Bangladesh," Asian Thought and Society, 5, No. 13, April 1980, 58-60. Bhuiyan, Md. Abdul Wadud. "The Bangladesh Liberation Movement and the Big Powers: Some Involvements," Indian Political Science Review [Delhi], 17, No. 1, January 1983, 65-79. ------. "The Bangladesh Liberation Movement: Role of Different Parties and Groups," Dacca University Studies [Dhaka], Pt. A, No. 35, December 1981, 45-60. ------. "Bangladesh Politics: Continuity Amidst Change," Indian Political Science Review [Delhi], 16, No. 1 January 1982, 20-34. ------. Emergence of Bangladesh and Role of the Awami League. New Delhi: Vikas, 1982. Biswas, Jayasree. US-Bangladesh Relations: A Study of the Political and Economic Development During 1971-81. Calcutta: Minerva Associates, 1984. Blair, Harry W. "Decentralization and Possibilities for USAID Assistance in Bangladesh." (Study written for Project Development and Engineering Division, United States Agency for International Development.) Dhaka: November 16, 1987. ------. "Participation, Public Policy, Political Economy, and Development in Rural Bangladesh, 1958-85," World Development, 13, No. 12, December 1985, 1231-47. Blaustein, Albert P., and Gisbert H. Flanz (eds.). Constitutions of the Countries of the World. Dobbs Ferry: Oceana, 1987. Burman, D.C. "Regionalism in Bangladesh: The Study of Chittagong Hill Tracts." Pages 116-37 in Ramakant (ed.), Regionalism in South Asia. Jaipur: Aalekh, 1983. Centre for Women and Development. Women and Politics in Bangladesh. Dhaka: 1985. Choudhury, A.R. Reflections on Law and Order. Dhaka: S.N.R. Haque, 1983. Choudhury, M. "Military Coups and Military Rule in Bangladesh," Indian Journal of Political Science [Chandigarh], 17, Nos. 3-4, September-December 1983, 103-11. Combroad Handbook, 1987-88. London: Secretariat, Commonwealth Broadcasting Association, 1987. Dil, Shaheen F. "Women in Bangladesh: Changing Roles and Sociopolitical Realities," Women and Politics, 5, No. 1, Spring 1985, 51-67. Duffy, Alex. "Bangladesh in Search of Stability," World Today [London], 39, Nos. 7-8, July-August 1983, 297-304. Europa Year Book, 1987: A World Survey. 1. London: Europa, 1987. Franda, Marcus F. Bangladesh: The First Decade. New Delhi: South Asian, 1982. ------. The Death of Ziaur Rahman. (American Universities Field Staff, Fieldstaff Reports, South Asia Series, 1982/2.) Hanover, New Hampshire: AUFS, 1982. Ghosh, Sucheta. The Role of India in the Emergence of Bangladesh. Calcutta: Minerva Associates, 1983. Ghoshal, Baladas. "Bangladesh: Passage to Military Rule," Foreign Affairs Reports [New Delhi], 31, No. 8, August 1982, 139-60. Hafiz, M. Abdul, and Abdur Rab Khan (eds.). Nation Building in Bangladesh: Retrospect and Prospect. Dhaka: Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies, 1986. Haider, Mahmud S. Resurrection of Bangladesh. Dhaka: Haider, 1983. Haq, Enamul. "Reorganization of Broadcasting in Bangladesh," Combroad [London], No. 63, June 1984, 25-26. Haque, Azizul. "Bangladesh in 1979: Cry for a Sovereign Parliament," Asian Survey, 20, No. 2, February 1980, 217-30. ------. "Bangladesh in 1980: Strains and Stresses--Opposition in the Doldrums," Asian Survey, 21, No. 2, February 1981, 188-202. Hartmann, Betsy, and James K. Boyce. A Quiet Violence: View from a Bangladesh Village. London: Zed Press, 1983. Harun, Shamsul Huda. 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Huque, Ahmed Shafiqul, and Muhammad Yeahia Akhter. "The Ubiquity of Islam: Religion and Society in Bangladesh," Pacific Affairs [Vancouver], 60, No. 2, Summer 1987, 200-25. Hussain, Akmal. "Bangladesh and the Muslim World." Pages 81-88 in Emajuddin Ahamed (ed.), Foreign Policy of Bangladesh: A Small State's Imperative. Dhaka: University Press, 1984. Hyman, Anthony. "Bangladesh under Martial Law," Index on Censorship [London], 12, No. 4, August 1983, 4-5. Islam, M. Rafiqul. "The Ganges Water Dispute: An Appraisal of a Third Party Settlement," Asian Survey, 27, No. 8, August 1987, 918-34. ------. "The Seventh Amendment to the Constitution of Bangladesh: A Constitutional Appraisal," Political Quarterly [London], 58, No. 3, July-September 1987, 312-29. Islam, Syed Serajul. "Bangladesh in 1986: Entering a New Phase," Asian Survey, 27, No. 2, February 1987, 163-72. ------. 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Chinese Attitudes Towards Bangladesh. Dhaka: Study Group, 1981. Moten, A. Rashid. "Parliamentary Elections in Bangladesh: Implications and Consequences." Pages 649-58 in Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Asian Studies, 1982. Hong Kong: Asian Research Service, 1982. ------. "The Political Culture of the Party Sub-Elites in Bangladesh," Asian Thought and Society, 10, No. 30, November 1985, 186-97. Naqvi, M.B. "Martial Law in Bangladesh," Defence Journal [Karachi], 8, No. 5, May 1982, 11-20. O'Donnell, Charles Peter. Bangladesh: Biography of a Muslim Nation. Boulder: Westview Press, 1984. Rahim, Joyce L., and Enayetur Rahim. Bangladesh: A Select Bibliography of English Language Periodical Literature, 1971-1986. Dhaka: Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, 1988. Rahman, Atiur. Peasants and Classes: A Study in Differentiation in Bangladesh. Dhaka: Dhaka University Press, 1986. ------. Rural Power Structure: A Study of the Local Level Leaders in Bangladesh. Dhaka: Bangladesh Books International, 1981. Rahman, M.D. "Bangladesh in 1983: A Turning Point for the Military," Asian Survey, 24, No. 2, February 1984, 240-49. Rahman, Syed Tayyebur. Global Geo-Strategy of Bangladesh, OIC, and Islamic Ummah. Dhaka: Islamic Foundation of Bangladesh, 1985. Rahman, Syedur. "Issues and Agenda for South Asia Regional Cooperation: A Bangladeshi Perspective," Asian Survey, 25, No. 4, April 1985, 405-25. Rahman, Waliur. Bangladesh and the United Nations. Dhaka: Ministry of Information, External Publicity Wing, 1986. Rajjaka, Mohammad Abadura. Bangladesh. Rajshahi: Razzaque, 1987. Shamsul Hoque, Abunasar. Subnational Administration in Bangladesh and Its Role in Development: An Overview. Rajshahi: Department of Political Science, Rajshahi University, 1982. Shamsur Rahman, Ghazi. Islamic Law as Administered in Bangladesh. Dhaka: Islamic Foundation of Bangladesh, 1981. Siddiqi, Abdul Rahman. "The Militarization of Bangladesh," Defence Journal [Karachi], 8, No. 5, May 1982, 1-6. Siddiqui, Mustafizur Rahman. "Administrative Reorganization: Upazila in the Perspective of Its Objectives." Pages 126-39 in M. Salimullah Khan (ed.), Politics and Stability in Bangladesh: Problems and Prospects. Dhaka: Government and Politics Department, Jahangir Nagar University, 1985. Singh, Kuldeep. India and Bangladesh. Delhi: Anmal, 1987. Tayyeb, Muhammad A. "The Outlook for Bangladesh," Asian Affairs, 9, No. 3, January-February 1982, 174-89. Timm, E.W. Power Relations in Rural Development: The Case of Bangladesh. Hong Kong: Centre for the Progress of Peoples, 1983. United States. Central Intelligence Agency. Directorate of Intelligence. Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments. (CR CS 82-012.) Washington: December 1982. ------. Central Intelligence Agency. Directorate of Intelligence. Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments. (LDA CS 88-004.) Washington: July-August 1988. ------. Central Intelligence Agency. Directorate of Intelligence. World Factbook, 1988. (CPAS WF 88-001.) Washington: May 1988. ------. Congress. 100th, 2d Session. House of Representatives. Committee on Foreign Affairs. The Prospects for Democracy in Bangladesh. (Hearings before the Subcommittee on Asian and Pacific Affairs, April 14, 1988.) Washington: GPO, 1988. Westergaard, Kirsten. State and Rural Society in Bangladesh. (Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies Monograph Series, No. 49.) London: Curzon Press, 1985. World Radio TV Handbook, 41. New York: Billboard, 1987. Zafarullah, Habib Mohammad. Government and Politics in Bangladesh: A Bibliographic Guide. Dhaka: Centre for Administrative Studies, 1981. ------. "Public Administration in the First Decade of Bangladesh: Some Observations on Developments and Trends," Asian Survey, 25, No. 4, April 1987, 459-76. Zafarullah, Habib Mohammad, and Mohammad Mohabbatt Khan. "Staffing the Higher Civil Services in Bangladesh: An Analysis of Recruitment and Selection Processes," Public Administration and Development, 3, No. 2, April-June 1983, 121-33. Zaman, M.Q. "Election Politics in a Bangladesh Village: Community Issues and National Politics," South Asian Studies [Jaipur], 16, No. 2, July-December 1981, 71-83. ------. "Patron-Client Relations: The Dynamics of Political Action," Asian Survey, 11, No. 6, December 1983, 605- 16. (Various issues of the following publications were also used in the preparation of this chapter: Bangladesh in International Affairs [Dhaka]; Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong]; Far Eastern Economic Review, Asia Yearbook [H?ong Kong]; Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Daily Report: Near East and South Asia; Indian Express [Delhi]; Public Opinion Trends Analyses and News Service: Bangladesh Series [New Delhi]; and Washington Post.) Chapter 5 Amnesty International. Bangladesh: Unlawful Killings and Torture in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. New York: September 1986. Asia Yearbook, 1988. Hong Kong: Far Eastern Economic Review, 1988. Bangladesh. Cabinet Division. Handbook on Criminal Law Reforms. Dhaka: 1983. Bateman, Christopher H. "National Security and Nationalism in Bangladesh," Asian Survey, 19, No. 8, August 1979, 761-88. Baxter, Craig. Bangladesh: A New Nation in an Old Setting. Boulder: Westview Press, 1984. Bertocci, Peter J. "Bangladesh in the Early 1980s: Praetorian Politics in an Intermediate Regime," Asian Survey, 22, No. 10, October 1982, 998-1008. Choudhury, M. "Military Coups and Military Rule in Bangladesh," Indian Journal of Political Science [Chandigarh], 17, Nos. 3-4, September-December 1983, 103-11. Chowdhury, Iftekhar A. "Strategy of a Small Power in a Subsystem: Bangladesh's External Relations," Australian Outlook [Canberra], 34, No. 1, April 1980, 85-98. Chowdhury, Subrata Roy. The Genesis of Bangladesh, New York: Asia, 1972. Cohen, Stephen P. The Indian Army: Its Contribution to the Development of a Nation, Los Angeles and Berkeley: University of California Press, 1971. ------. The Pakistan Army. Los Angeles and Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989. Dwyer, Gwynne. "Bangladesh." Pages 44-54 in World Armies. New York: Facts on File, 1977. Franda, Marcus F. Bangladesh Nationalism and Ziaur Rahman's Presidency, Pt. 1. (American University Field Staff, Fieldstaff Reports, South Asia Series, No. 7.) Hanover, New Hampshire, AUFS, 1981. ------. Bangladesh Nationalism and Ziaur Rahman's Presidency, Pt. 2. (American Universities Field Staff, Fieldstaff Reports, South Asia Series, No. 8) Hanover, New Hampshire, AUFS, 1981. Ghoshal, Baladas. "Bangladesh: Passage to Military Rule," Foreign Affairs Reports [New Delhi], 31, No. 8, August 1982, 139-60. Hoque, M. Sayedul, and James A. Dunn, Jr. "Among the Tigers of Bengal," Asia-Pacific Defense Forum, 13, No. 1, Summer 1988, 2-7. Huque, Ahmed Shafiqul. "The Army and the State: Military Intervention in the Politics of Bangladesh and Pakistan," Indian Political Science Review [Delhi], 16, No. 1, January 1982, 80-93. Islam, A.T.M. Kamrul (ed.). A Manual of Defence Laws in Bangladesh, 2. Dhaka: Khoshroz Kitab Mahal, 1976. Islam, Syed Serajul. "The Rise of the Civil-Military Bureaucracy in the State Apparatus of Bangladesh," Asian Thought and Society, 10, No. 31, March 1986, 28-36. Jahan, Rounaq. Pakistan: Failure in National Integration. New York: Columbia University Press, 1972. Khan, A.A. (ed.). Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (Act No. V of 1898 as Modified Up-to-Date). Dhaka: Khoshroz Kitab Mahal, 1984. Khan, Shajahan. "Development Through Disarmament: Perspectives for Third World's Self-Reliance: Case Reference of Bangladesh," Asian Profile [Hong Kong], 9, No. 2, April 1981, 129-38. Khan, Zillur Rahman. "Politicization of the Bangladesh Military: A Response to Perceived Shortcomings of Civilian Government," Asian Survey, 21, No. 5, May 1981, 551-64. Khanduri, Chandra B. "The Developments in Bangladesh," Vikrant [New Delhi], 11, No. 11, August 1981, 33-41. LaPorte, Robert. "Pakistan in 1971: The Disintegration of a Nation," Asian Survey, 12, No. 2, February 1972, 97- 108. Lifschultz, Lawrence. Bangladesh: The Unfinished Revolution, London: Zed Press, 1979. Lunstead, Jeffrey. "The Armed Forces in Bangladesh." Pages 309-24 in Edward A. Olsen and Stephen Jurika, Jr. (eds.), The Armed Forces in Contemporary Asian Societies. Boulder: Westview Press, 1986. Makeig, Douglas C. "Bangladesh." Pages 166-69 in Richard F. Staar (ed.), Yearbook on International Communist Affairs. Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 1987. Maniruzzaman, Talukder. "Bangladesh: An Unfinished Revolution?" Journal of Asian Studies, 34, No. 4, August 1975, 891-911. ------. "Bangladesh in 1975: The Fall of the Mujib Regime and Its Aftermath," Asian Survey, 16, No. 2, February 1976, 119-29. ------. "Bangladesh in 1976: Struggle for Survival as an Independent State," Asian Survey, 17, No. 2, February 1977, 194-97. Mascarenhas, Anthony. Bangladesh: A Legacy of Blood. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1986. Misra, Jitendra. "Military Intervention in Bangladesh and Pakistan: A Comparative Study," IDSA Journal [New Delhi], 14, No. 2, October-December 1982, 167-82. ------. "Military Regimes in Bangladesh and Pakistan: Strategies of Sustenance and Survival," India Quarterly [New Delhi], 37, No. 4, October-December 1981, 522-46. Muhith, A.M.A. Bangladesh: Emergence of a Nation. Dhaka: Bangladesh Books International, 1978. Naqvi, M.B. "Martial Law in Bangladesh," Defence Journal [Karachi], 8, No. 5, May 1982, 11-20. O'Donnell, Charles Peter. Bangladesh: Biography of a Muslim Nation. Boulder: Westview Press, 1984. Rahim, Joyce L., and Enayetur Rahim. Bangladesh: A Select Bibliography of English Language Periodical Literature, 1971-1986. Dhaka: Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, 1988. Rashid, Haroun er. Geography of Bangladesh. Boulder: Westview Press, 1977. Rashiduzzaman, M. "Bangladesh in 1977: Dilemmas of the Military in Power," Asian Survey, 18, No. 2, February 1978, 122- 32. Rizvi, Hasan Askari. Internal Strife and External Intervention: India's Role in the Civil War in East Pakistan (Bangladesh). Lahore: Progressive, 1981. ------. The Military and Politics in Pakistan, 1947-86. Lahore: Progressive, 1987. Roy, Ashish Kumar. Nation Building and the Army in Bangladesh: A Study in the Typology of Military Politics. Calcutta: Centre for Southeast Asian Studies, University of Calcutta, 1982. Siddiqi, Abdul Rahman. "The Militarization of Bangladesh," Defence Journal [Karachi], 8, No. 5, May 1982, 1-6. Singh, Kushwant. "The Freedom Fighters of Bangladesh," Illustrated Weekly of India [New Delhi], 92, No. 51, December 19, 1971, 21-23. Sinha, P.B. Armed Forces of Bangladesh. (Occasional Papers, No. 1.) New Delhi: Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, 1979. United States. Central Intelligence Agency. Directorate of Intelligence. World Factbook, 1988. (CPAS WF 88-001.) Washington: May 1988. ------. Congress. 100th, 2d Session. House of Representatives. Committee on Foreign Affairs. The Prospects for Democracy in Bangladesh. (Hearings before the Subcommittee on Asian and Pacific Affairs, April 14, 1988.) Washington: GPO, 1988. Zaman, Habiba. "The Role of the Military in Bangladesh and Pakistan: A Comparative Study," Asian Profile [Hong Kong], 11, No. 4, August 1983, 377-96. (Various issues of the following publications were also used in the preparation of this chapter: Bangladesh Observer [Dhaka]; Daily Report: Near East and South Asia; Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong]; and Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Daily Report: South Asia Frontline [Madras]; Guardian [London]; Hindu [Madras]; Illustrated Weekly of Bangladesh [Dhaka]; India Today [New Delhi]; International Institute for Strategic Studies, The Military Balance [London]; Senani [Dhaka]; Statesman [Calcutta]; and Washington Post.)